What is Createjs used for?

Questions about Createjs have been emerging lately – what is its purpose and how can it help people? How does this solution compare to other alternatives? Does it really make a difference to people?

Createjs is a JavaScript library designed to provide an easy-to-use way for developers to create high-quality and interactive visuals and animations for websites and applications. Despite its clear advantages, it is still relatively unknown to the general public and does not always present the best solution for web design. For example, due to Createjs’ focus on graphics and animation, it can potentially lead to increased complexity of a website, resulting in higher development costs. Additionally, as highlighted by experts on tech insights blog, the necessity to understand the library’s underlying technology presents a learning obstacle for many developers.

In this article, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of Createjs, its comparison to alternative technologies, and guidelines on how to make the best use of this library. Additionally, you will get an understanding of when it is the most suitable solution for creating a high-quality web application or website.

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What is Createjs used for?


Createjs is an open-source JavaScript library which can help web developers and web designers to quickly and easily manage the creation of applications using HTML5. Developed by gskinner, Createjs enables users to have access to a library of code that is easy to use and customizable. This library can help to create interactive content on a website or application, enhancing the overall look and feel. It can also provide interactivity to a webpage, allowing users to easily interact with the page without having to manually update events or information.
HTML5 is a hypertext markup language used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and for web applications. It is the fifth and currently the latest version of the HTML standard and is a core technology for the modern web.

gskinner is a web development firm which develops platforms, tools, and products for web development and digital creative professionals. It is known for their work related to HTML5, ActionScript, AIR, iOS, Android, Flash, and Silverlight.
Code is a system of instructions that helps to guide computer software to produce the desired results. It is usually written in a programming language which tells the computer what to do step-by-step.
Interactive Content refers to content that can be interacted with, either by the user or by a third party. This might include media such as videos, polls, games, or surveys which can create an engaging and interactive experience.
Applications are often specialized programs or software that works to perform a specific task or multiple tasks. They are typically designed to run on mobile devices or computers.
Look and Feel is the overall impression that someone gets when they encounter something, such as a website or application. This includes the user interface, graphics, animation, color schemes, and other elements.
Createjs provides users with the ability to quickly create interactive content, applications, and look and feel using HTML5, code, and other features. It is an open-source library that allows for users to have more control over their design and development process from start to finish.

Unveiling the Advantages of Createjs

Introduction to Createjs

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Createjs is an open source software suite of libraries and tools which enables developers to create a high performance and rich interactive content for the web, mobile, and desktop applications. It is an all in one JavaScript runtime and development environment which aims to simplify web development projects and make them more efficient. Createjs has gathered extensive user community over the years, mainly due to its powerful suite of modules and features.

Company Overview

Createjs was first launched in 2010 by Grant Skinner and was initially known as ‘Create’. It was then rebranded to ‘CreateJS’ in 2012 at a major update that includes the addition of easel.js and sound.js, which are new products that have extended CreateJS’s functionalities from animation to sounds. Currently, their suite of libraries and tools contains six JavaScript libraries that help in creating rich interactive content on the web. These libraries include: Easel.js, Preload.js, Sound.js, Tween.js, CSSPlugin, and Zoetrope. The overall product is optimised for website performance and historically has been backed up with professional tools and services.

Key Features

  • Easel.js: A comprehensive library for creating and manipulating vector graphics in the browser.
  • Preload.js: Handles preloading of assets such as graphics, audio and videos.
  • Sound.js: Enables playback of audio content on web and mobile.
  • Tween.js: Collection of animation tools for such as move, fade, rotate.
  • CSSPlugin: Supports synchronised animations in multiple browsers.
  • Zoetrope:A tool to capture the animation and export it as HTML5.

Development Opportunities

Createjs has been a leader in HTML5 rich media content development and is still appearing with more innovative technologies. Currently, one of the biggest opportunities for Createjs is Cloud Gaming and HTML5 Development to create games for the web. Additionally, recently Createjs received additional module Zoetrope which is a tool for creating frame-by-frame animations for a variety of HTML5 elements. Another major opportunity for CreateJS is the development of real-time applications that integrate audio and video media. Finally, Createjs has also entered the field of VR and AR content development and its libraries and tools such as Zoetrope and Easel.js help developers create interactive and immersive entertainment elements.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Createjs

What is Createjs?

Createjs is a suite of modular libraries and tools made for developers and designers to make interactive content in HTML5 and the Flash Platform. Using Createjs, developers can quickly and easily create applications from beginning to end, in addition to Data Visualization, Gaming, Web Design and Desktop Applications. Createjs works within the Adobe Creative Suite, the open source libraries, and frameworks like jQuery, Bootstrap, and AngularJS.

Thought-provoking Question: What are the Pros and Cons of Createjs?

When considering Createjs for various projects, it is important to consider the many different advantages and disadvantages of the platform. It is important to consider the cost, features, security, scalability, and longevity of a Createjs solution before starting a project. In this article, we will break down what Createjs brings to the table and the potential drawbacks of using this powerful platform.

Pros of Createjs

Createjs is an incredibly powerful and flexible platform, particularly for creating interactive content. The platform offers excellent scalability, allowing developers to create applications that can handle large datasets and run heavy processes. Additionally, Createjs is constantly being updated and new features are frequently added. It has built-in security measures which ensure secure data transmission and storage on the server side, as well as automated coding to keep applications bug-free. Furthermore, the Createjs environment is compatible with multiple systems and platforms, making it easy to move projects from one system to another.

Cons of Createjs

One of the potential drawbacks of using Createjs is the cost of implementation. It can be pricey to get started, especially if projects are complex or require a unique design. Additionally, it is important to consider the time spent learning the platform, as well as the amount of resources needed to maintain it over time. As Createjs is a complex platform, it may be more difficult for novice developers and hobbyists to work with. Finally, Createjs is not considered an easy platform to migrate from, if needed, as the coding specific to this system can be more difficult to transfer to another platform.

Tracking the Latest Trends for Createjs

Tracking the Latest Trends for Createjs

What is Createjs?

Createjs is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive and engaging web content. It is a great tool for making interactive and dynamic user interfaces and web applications. With Createjs, developers and web designers can easily and quickly create exciting and beautiful experiences on the web. From animation and sound to data management and user interface, Createjs is an all-in-one package that allows you to quickly create engaging web experiences.

Why it Matters for Your Business?

Developers and designers alike should be aware of the impact that Createjs can have on their web experiences. From the user’s point of view, it can make the user’s experience that much better, creating a more immersive and enjoyable web experience. For businesses, it can make the job of developing for the web easier and faster, allowing for more rapid development of web apps and websites.

Pros of Createjs

Createjs has a wide range of advantages including an intuitive library structure, multiple language availability, and good documentation. It is a popular library for web development because it is easy to learn and use, giving developers and designers the ability to quickly learn and apply the library to making better experiences for their users. The library is also highly extensible, meaning that developers can tweak elements and create their own custom functionalities.

Cons of Createjs

Despite its advantages, there are some drawbacks to using Createjs. One of the most prominent is that it is not an open-source library, meaning that developers have to pay for the rights to use the library. Additionally, it may not be the most optimized for performance, meaning that websites that are built through the library may not be as fast as some other solutions. Lastly, the amount of good documentation for Createjs is relatively limited compared to some other libraries.


Have you ever considered using Createjs when developing new content? This powerful JavaScript library is used for creating interactive content for HTML5, such as HD video, audio, animation, and graphics. Createjs provides powerful tools for creating captivating experiences on your website, making it an excellent tool for web developers.
The Createjs library is easy to install and use, meaning that you can quickly create dynamic content for your website with minimal effort. Furthermore, Createjs enables you to add additional features and capabilities to your online content, giving your site an edge over the competition. As the library continues to expand, new releases offer the ability to create even more engaging content.
If you are looking for ways to upgrade your website and take advantage of dynamic content, Createjs is a great way to go. Keep an eye out on blog posts and other resources for updates on the latest releases and features, so that your content is constantly kept up to date. With Createjs, the possibilities of creating compelling experiences are virtually limitless.


Q1. What is Createjs?
Answer: Createjs is a JavaScript library designed for creating interactive websites and media projects. It offers a suite of tools including user-interaction, sound, and animation abilities, as well as pre-made content to speed up website development. It also provides support for HTML5 canvas elements, making it a great multi-purpose library. Additionally, Createjs works on both desktop and mobile devices.
Q2. What can I do with Createjs?
Answer: Createjs allows you to build interactive, multimedia experiences on webpages. This includes animations, interactive games, data visualisation, audio and video playback, and more. It also makes it easy to create custom components and include third-party libraries.
Q3. What technologies are used in Createjs?
Answer: Createjs is built using a number of open-source technologies, including JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, WebGL, and other libraries. It also supports a range of platforms, including web browsers, iOS, and Android.
Q4. Where can I get help with Createjs?
Answer: You can find a range of helpful resources for Createjs online. The official website provides documentation for developers, and there are user forums where you can ask questions and get answers from the Createjs team and other experienced users. Additionally, there are online courses and tutorials available, as well as sample projects and code snippets.
Q5. What are the advantages of using Createjs?
Answer: Createjs provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for developing interactive websites and projects quickly and easily. It integrates with other libraries for even more flexibility in design, supports multiple platforms, and is easy to use for beginners. Additionally, it’s available for free and is constantly being updated with new features.